Monday, May 9, 2011


The next day our task continued, we all painted ourselves with black paint and blood our faces, ran into the forest with the both ends of our spears sharped, ready. Ready to kill. Samn'Eric said he wouldn't be in his hut because it would be to obvious that that was going to be the place were we would all first look, and I believed them, we ran and ran and finally spotted him. There were about 10 kids against one. It would be impossible for him to get away, after a while of trying to get him, I got frustrated and decided that if we let the whole island burn into flames, he would burn alive in it; so thats what I did, once all the trees where in fire I saw Ralph running through a tree, we all followed him, we were so close. We could smell his fear, we were approaching the shore, a end where he would have no way out, were we would kill him. Once my feet touched the hot sand, I heard the sound of a person falling in fron of me, there he was Ralph. Unsecured, and ready to be killed.
I looked up and there they were two helicopters looking for us... We were rescued.

Piggy Murder

The next day I receive the visit I expected to receive, Piggy, Samn'Eric and Ralph come to the fort, claiming for us to return the glasses to them, OBVIOUSLY NOT. I told Samn'Eric they should better join my tribe before the got hurt and only those words where enough for both of them to go running up the fort, overtime my strength increases and increases, and I like that. Piggy blew the conch claiming us to listen to him, like if the conch had any meaning to us now, but exactly when he was in the middle of his speech a huge rock thrown by Roger fell in top of Piggy leading him into a endless ocean and be splited in pieces... I didn't know what to think, we had already killed Simon but it was a accident, this wasn't... what should I say now, should I tell Roger he did wrong? My head went crazy for a minute but then I remember that if I letted myself down nobody from my tribe was going to follow me so I faced the ugly truth of being witness of a crime and threatened Ralph into killing him also, Ralph ran and ran away.
I gave up looking for him for that day, we were going to continue tomorrow.. I couldn't handle the fact that Roger had just killed Piggy, his attitude never showed any kind of bad guy, he wasn't a good guy either but he never did anything bad... I wanted to tell Ralph I was sorry, I wanted to tell Roger he couldn't be in our tribe anymore because of what he had done but, I couldn't. I was scared, scared of Roger.

Stolen Glasses

We need the fire, for the pigs.
We need Piggy because of his glasses.
but we ain't want no Piggy.
Piggy is to much trouble.
We are going to steal their glasses at night.
The next day, I stayed on the fort doing nothing but watching out for if the beast came back or even if Ralph tried to cross over my group; I called an assembly between my group and told them we needed to steal the glasses, they all agreed, after all I'm the leader and they have to agree with me. We went quietly, as quiet as if we were going to hunt a pig, once in their huts we got closer to the one where Piggy was, we destroyed the hut, pushed Piggy into the floor where his glasses fell and I grabbed them; as we started running towards the fort I heard Piggy cry from far, something inside me told it would have been better to just ask Ralph for the glasses instead of stealing them... but what was done is done. Too bad for Piggy, I guess.

Simon's dead...

I hunted that big pig and we are all having a ritual again for it! We all started dancing thanking the beast and the Gods for the pig they have let us hunt today, while I was dancing in a circle trying to hit the beast,Roger, Ralph showed up; I didn't really had time for his complains or even thoughts so I ignored him and told him that if he wanted he could join our dance but without any complains because if not we were going to kick him out of the territory, at first Piggy and Ralph just stood there doing nothing but then caught with the essence of the scene, Ralph and Piggy slowly joined us and tried to kick Roger's ass... but suddenly I turn around to see something running toward us! Freaked out I scream "the beast!" we all go after it, stabbing it with the spears, kicking it, I could hear some voices trying to form words but I couldn't hear any of the words coming out of the beast.
We hit it, and killed it easily. Slowly and Painful. That was how the beast deserved to die, but then I turned down and the bonfire let me see... It wasn't any beast... It was... Simon.

Gift For The Beast

Now I believe in the beast, I believe it could kill us all, I believe it's dangerous, I believe we can hunt it, I believe we WILL hunt it!
Today we are going hunting again and there's nobody that could stop us because this is out tribe, the best tribe of all. We got into the forest, waited for minutes and minutes until then the Big Pig ran in front of us, it took us a while but finally we had it, it was huge! Bigger than the other ones, it was a Mama Boar, but now we cannot keep it for ourselves.. that would be to unfair. We had to share it to our master, to the Beast; for it to know that we follow and adore it! That we are afraid of it and we would always keep loyal, thats why we are going to share it.
I sharpened sticks at both ends of my spare and buried one in the ground and in the other I stuck the pigs head in it, all for our beast.

Encounter With the Beast

Today I left in the morning to explore a little when I reached the summit of the mountain, I saw it... I saw the beast! It was huge, huge and scary. It's arms spread and made weird noises, I was scared! Scared for my life. I ran to the conch and called for a assembly, everybody gathered together and I told them that I had seen the huge beast but then RALPH like always wanted to take the credit of my acts, and called me and my hunters COWARDS! Who does he think he is?! THAT IS IT. I am not staying any longer in this group if they dont appreciate my work, I went ahead and asked everyone if they wanted to come with me! Everyone comes with me except for Samn'Eric, Piggy, Simon, and Ralph... not that we need them anyways. Our tribe is better and braver than the other, we can hunt without mercy of the pigs! We are real survivors.

The New Fort

Again Ralph comes in with his typical work isn't been done here. Seriously if he wants all the work to be done why dont he does it by himself? He is so pathetic, poor kid. Today at the assembly all the littleluns started saying how they have heard the beast already and how much they are scared of it... maybe we should hunt it, I mean what if one day that thing comes for all of us and kill us all? No, we cannot let that happen, we need to kill it first! Samn'Eric said they saw the beast over the mountain, a place we havent explored yet... I'm not scared of going to explore it, I decided we should go today, so we are going now, the place seems like everything else on the island empty, its pretty strong since its all made by rocks, I think we could use it as a fort, I mean we don't know what the size of the beast is, Im a genius. This is going to be a new fort, a new improved and stronger fort! and I founded... I'm starting to think I should be in my own with my hunters, Ralph isn't doing anything helpful for us, and I'm the only one working here. Well anyways, I have said that we should go hunt the beast and everyone is agreeing with me even Ralph said it would be fine if he came with us. So we are on our way looking for the beast but there are some footprints on the ground, they aren't humans they are from a boar! I think we got distracted because instead of looking for the beast now we were all looking for the boar, at the end we gave up and went back and did a tribal dance again. I'm loving this! but since now we didn't have a pig I suggested that Roger was the pig so we all started "hunting" him, even Ralph, I dont think we hurt him but Roger said we did... He is such a crying baby. I am never going to get tired of doing this!