Monday, May 9, 2011

Finally Exploring

I don't really know what time it is, or how many hours have passed, but it's getting dam boring here. The little kids finally stopped crying but still complain of how hungry they are, but I hate this because how do they not expect to be hungry if all they do is just sit here doing nothing. I already told them that we should go exploring, maybe we would find some food or other people, but they are all scared; they are all bunch of scary babies. Well not Roger, or Maurice; they don't agree with me but either disagree, so I'll take that as a they want to go explore.
I don't know if I was just rude to the little kids but I just obligate them to explore with me or else they would stay there alone and starve to death... Maybe I was a little harsh. Whatever, they need to understan we are all in our own now.
We found the shore, and the littleluns -that's how I call them now- got really excited and started playing in the beach, after all I am not that bad of a leader... Right? I was harsh but I kept my promise of finding something better.
Hey! I see some other people over there! I started getting closer and closer, I didn't run, I didn't wanted to scare them off if they were some kind of Indians or something. There were only two other boys and they said they hadn't seen anyone else here, Piggy and Ralph. Piggy is just plain pathetic, poor guy, he is fat and has this "as mar" sickness or however its called, nobody was really listening to him; Ralph in the other hand is different, I don't like him either, to much good boy for me, well anyways thats pretty much everything that has happened, theres no much to do here, all the kids are playing on the beach and I'm just resting a little. I think I might be getting a little hungry.

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