Monday, May 9, 2011

Stolen Glasses

We need the fire, for the pigs.
We need Piggy because of his glasses.
but we ain't want no Piggy.
Piggy is to much trouble.
We are going to steal their glasses at night.
The next day, I stayed on the fort doing nothing but watching out for if the beast came back or even if Ralph tried to cross over my group; I called an assembly between my group and told them we needed to steal the glasses, they all agreed, after all I'm the leader and they have to agree with me. We went quietly, as quiet as if we were going to hunt a pig, once in their huts we got closer to the one where Piggy was, we destroyed the hut, pushed Piggy into the floor where his glasses fell and I grabbed them; as we started running towards the fort I heard Piggy cry from far, something inside me told it would have been better to just ask Ralph for the glasses instead of stealing them... but what was done is done. Too bad for Piggy, I guess.

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