Monday, May 9, 2011

Plane Trip - March 13, 1944

Im sitting next to this little kid. He never told me his name but he has this kind of mark on his face... I dont really feel like talking to him; I dont feel like talking to anybody. I dont know where we are going, I just know they put us on this plane because the war at England was really getting 'ugly' or at least thats what my dad said before leaving me in this stupid plane.
There aren't many kids on here, the plane is small so not a lot of kids fit, I would say we are about 17 kids... Just guessing.
I'm next to the window, lucky seat. I don't see anything else than clouds, boring! I am not supposed to be using the laptop in the plane, but whatever the pilot isn't watching and there isn't any other adult to watch for us so it doesn't matter if I use it or not.
Nothing interesting has happened since we got in, only that this fat kid started feeling bad and almost threw up, that was funny.
Well I guess I'll try to sleep a little, my head hurts, the little kids dont stop complaining of how they already miss home, this is to much for me.

- Jack

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