Monday, May 9, 2011

Encounter With the Beast

Today I left in the morning to explore a little when I reached the summit of the mountain, I saw it... I saw the beast! It was huge, huge and scary. It's arms spread and made weird noises, I was scared! Scared for my life. I ran to the conch and called for a assembly, everybody gathered together and I told them that I had seen the huge beast but then RALPH like always wanted to take the credit of my acts, and called me and my hunters COWARDS! Who does he think he is?! THAT IS IT. I am not staying any longer in this group if they dont appreciate my work, I went ahead and asked everyone if they wanted to come with me! Everyone comes with me except for Samn'Eric, Piggy, Simon, and Ralph... not that we need them anyways. Our tribe is better and braver than the other, we can hunt without mercy of the pigs! We are real survivors.

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