Monday, May 9, 2011

A Leader/Assembly

Well now that was unfair, we were all playing on the beach when that stupid kid I talked about some minutes ago - Piggy - found this conch and he blew it and made the first assembly or at least thats how Ralph called it, now every time he blows on it everybody has to gather together and he talks and talks, and they also started with the rules! the kid who has he conch is the only one who can talk. Stupid, I am going to talk whenever I feel like talking.. Anyways once in the 'assembly' everybody complained about how hungry they were, or tired, and Ralph said we needed a leader, and that's when the unfairness occurred. Without choosing any candidates or anything, Ralph was chosen just because everybody thought he would be better in command I mean, I'm the bravest from all of them, nobody seem to have as much braveness as me, except for this guy named Roger, he doesn't talk or say anything, he is just staring at everybody doing nothing… but he doesn't scare me -- Well nobody scares. Anyways in fact nobody even knows Ralph, however the choir does know me! and they know I'm great at everything! I kept my promise of bringing them here and finding a better place! This is unfair. I think this whole Ralph leader isn't a great idea at all. I'm not liking this.

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