Monday, May 9, 2011

Crash? - March 13, 1944

Wow. I was fully asleep when I woke up because I felt like if something or somebody hit me with a rock on the back of my head at first I thought it was Percival telling me we had arrived or something but I opened my eyes and noticed I was laying in a rock next to full grown, long grass and facing the blue bright, sky. I tried to get up but my head is hurting way to much so I rested and closed my eyes some more, maybe its a dream -- I thought. When I finally had the strength to raise myself up, I looked around and I was alone, alone in a inhabited island but I'm not scared... Really, I'm not, obviously the plane just crashed, even thought I can't see any of the pieces or marks of the plane from the place where I am at, it's obvious since I'm randomly just standing here. That's great! They take me away from my house to put me into a stupid island alone. Great, it couldn't have turned out better... or maybe it could, I mean if you really think about it, as far as I know I am alone with a bunch of stupid kids, supposing others survived, there are no adults. No adults = no rules. Fantastic!
Well I'm going to walk a little just to see where am I or at least if any of the other kids survived.
There they are! The whole choir is sitting, all the little kids are crying and other two big kids are just staring at them, I don't know what to do, if I call them I'm going to have to be with them and thats going to imply me trying to calm the little kids since I'm the oldest, but if I don't go I won't have anyone else - not that I'm scared of being alone just that what if a shark attacks me... I am going to need a witness, right? Well, anyways. I guess i'll just go with them, after all the little kids seem to be suffering a lot, and I can't just stand there watching them, doing nothing.

- Jack

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